Sunday, 19 February 2012

What Is A SWTOR Companion?

As you may already know, SWTOR is a MMORPG game that allows you to play a character from any of the following 8 classes: Jedi knights, consulars, troopers, smugglers, bounty hunters, Sith warriors, Sith Inquisitors or as imperial agents. But throughout the entire game, you will also encounter other playable characters known as SWTOR companions. Each SWTOR companion has their own special skills and levels up as you level up your own character. Because of this ability, SWTOR companions can prove to be very useful companions, especially against bosses later on in the game.

Any player can have up to 5 SWTOR companions at one time but only 1 companion will be allowed onto your starship. As previously mentioned, your companions also have their own abilities, which can greatly aid you in battle. These abilities are categorized into 5 classes, which are:

Ranged Tank -This allows your companion to employ powerful ranged attacks; including area effect damage and attacks that pull ranged MOBs into melee distance.

Melee Tank - This allows your companion to employ powerful close ranged attacks.

Ranged Damage - This allows your companion to attack enemy units at a distance. There are 2 different attack stances, one which is more effective against one-on-one units and the other which is more effective against groups.

Melee Damage - This allows your companion to attack enemy units at close range. This kind of damage can be inflicted by lightsabers, vibroblades or other wrist-mounted weapons.

Players will receive 1 SWTOR companion very early on in the game and is the most useful companion according to the character class that you have chosen. For example, if you chose the Sith Inquisitor, who is not good at melee attacks, then your companion will be a melee-tank since melee damage will be absorbed by the companion, whilst your Sith Inquisitor can use his ranged Force powers.

You can also decide to complete a companion's solo mission, as each will have their own individual storyline. If a player decides to complete a mission for their companion, this will alter the affection level of the companion. Affection levels between your character and the companion can also help open up many new quests, storylines and also reveal more about the companion themselves.

Any SWTOR companion can also be used to craft, gather or even engage in missions. The simple task of gathering the nodes can be assigned to the player's current companion. You would normally right click on the desired node to make the companion gather it. Also, depending on the level of your character's gathering skill, companions can be sent to go on gathering assignments, as part of the Crew Skills gathering system.

 Affection levels can help you learn more about your SWTOR companion but it doesn't really help you level up from 1 to 50 in a week! Click here to learn more about the best SWTOR guide right now.
Support: This allows your companion to heal your character. These things include Field Dress and Kolto Pack.

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