Tuesday, 7 February 2012

SWTOR Guide - How To Be Awesome In Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic just released. Everyone will start racing towards the level cap to get there first and also be the first to see the end game content. Those who feel like they cannot compete with that really need to have a look at this little SWTOR guide.
I have played SWTOR in the beta sessions and I got an idea about the game and how you can be effective in it. I will not cover the basic stuff like combat, abilities and talents because these are very similar to other games. Instead, I will tell you how to be efficient in PvE, PvP and also ship missions.
If you are a fan of Bioware games and the Star Wars universe, then you will probably take your time with the quests. The conversations with the NPCs take a while since they actually talk to you. If you haven't done them so far, you will want to listen to them as some of the answers you chose might affect you in different ways. In order to skip conversations, simply use the Space Bar on your keyboard to speed things up.
In order to level fast, you should get every quest and do them, even Heroic ones. It will be easy to find a group as there are a lot of people in the beginning zones. The fastest way to get a group is to use the general chat.
Items will also be necessary to kill mobs fast. To get the best items, you should chose as a reward from quests, the recommendation pins. These can be traded for weapons and several parts of armor. Also, make sure you chose a side from the beginning, Light or Dark. Some items require a certain standing in either of them.
You will notice at level 9 that you will get a companion. Use him at all times as companions are designed to complete your class. For instance, the Inquisitor, which is a caster basically, will get a tank companion. The Bounty Hunter, which is a ranged DPS, heavy armor character, will get a healer. Using your companions right will enable you to do group quests alone as they can be very powerful.
SWTOR Guide - PvP
PvP in Star Wars: The Old Republic is pretty nice. If you are on a PvE server, then you will only find PvP in Warzones. These are instances where two groups of players meet and fight.
Warzones usually have objectives that must be done within certain time frames in order to win. A universal strategy to win in Warzones, is to do quests until you reach higher levels and then go to PvP. It will be easier to kill stuff then. Winning Warzones will get you PvP Recommendations which you can also use to get Blue items.
Make sure you organize your team if no one is, because if you don't, you will never win a fight. The objectives are very clear and just randomly fighting enemy players will not win you the match, even if you manage to defeat everyone you meet.
SWTOR Guide - Space Missions
Doing space missions in SWTOR is a great way to level. You get a lot of XP from them, especially when you have the dailies. You also get Recommendation pins which are used to buy upgrades for your ship.
You will notice that the missions are Heroic. Not to worry though, you can do them solo easily. You just have to focus on killing as many enemies as you can so that you won't take too much damage.
The most damage you will get will be from enemy ships. When they pass by you, they will return and head straight for you. Make sure you take them down when you see them going past you to avoid them damaging you too much.
Also, you need to watch for objects and other things in space that come up in your path. If you hit anything, you will get damaged. Use your mouse to avoid these objects and also enemy fire.
The best way to get better at this, is to do the same mission over and over. You will be able to finish it every time and get the rewards.
And that concludes this SWTOR guide. For a new player, I am sure that it will be very helpful in giving you an idea about what you need to do when you start playing the game. May the force be with you!

Click here for the Best SWTOR Guide!

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