Do you want to advance as quickly as possible and follow the best path in all sides of SWTOR content? In that case, a SWTOR strategy guide is the right tool to look for.
I'm saying this because I've been working myself with a SWTOR strategy guide, and I managed not only to hit level 50 two days after release, I've also finished my character along with nice crew skills and nice gear. Don't get me wrong, I got early access to the game, and I haven't played 24/7 like a maniac. But every time I was in the game, working on my progression, thanks to this guide for SWTOR each and every one of my movements was made with maximum efficiency.
So, how did this SWTOR strategy help out?
First of all, leveling became a walk in the park. Even though the in-game guidance of the NPC's isn't bad at all, they still leave out many key aspects on completing certain missions. Therefore, you can waste a lot of time trying to figure out how to finish a mission, or die several times until you discover an easier way. With a SWTOR strategy guide you will always know the exact location of a certain boss, a quest item or the easiest path to a certain objective, and this way you won't waste even a second.
Star Wars: The Old Republic has given a new look to crafting and gathering, aspect that's a bit boring in almost any MMO. SWTOR Crew Skills as they call it, which include, crafting, gathering and missions have also been easier to cap for me, since I've been using a SWTOR strategy guide. I was always aware what's the best resource to send my companions for, on which planet it could be found, and quite a few times, my helpers have brought me pretty neat gear.
Secondly, using a guide I have learned what the best build for leveling was for my class, and didn't have to struggle killing more than a few mobs at the same time. I realize now that if I had chosen a different specialization, or trained my points just slightly different, my progression would have been way more difficult.
Lastly, I've become aware of excellent PvP strategies for my class. I have learned exactly what to do with my Smuggler in any Warzone, where to hide, or how to get the upper hand on my opponents, to help my team win the battle.
Final Word: Although a quick progression in SWTOR will make you miss a big chunk of the storyline of the game, the nicely voiced and spiced dialogues, there are many players that want a complete character in the shortest time possible. Their goal, and my goal as well, is maximum level PvP and raiding (or operations and flashpoints). To reach this goal without wasting time, the best solution is a SWTOR strategy guide.
So, do you want to level fast, become rich like the Hutts, cap your crew skills and become a master of the SWTOR warzones and flashpoints?
Click here for the best SWTOR Strategy Guide.
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