Friday, 24 February 2012

SWTOR PvP - 3 Tips To Dominate Stars Wars: The Old Republic PvP

One of the many things that SWTOR players look forward to is the SWTOR PvP or the player versus player game format. The PvP format allows players to challenge and defeat others based purely on their skills, rather than having to rely heavily on others. This is a very rewarding aspect of the Star Wars player versus player format, but some players struggle at this kind of play. This article will reveal 3 tips on how to improve your winning ratio at SWTOR PvP.
SWTOR PvP Tip #1 - Play as the healer
If you are worried about winning in the warzone, then you should really consider being a healer. The one thing that Rift: Planes of Telara has taught me is that are never enough healers to go around. It would seem that since many of the classes in SWTOR are able to heal and that the healers would be found more often in warzones. However, what actually happens is that players who heal at flashpoints and dungeons just want to hang around and have fun. So in the end, there are almost no healers in any warzone. That's why being a healer in your team is actually a serious advantage, and especially if you want to win in games like Huttball.
SWTOR PvP Tip #2 - Play in groups of 2 or 3
Playing in pairs or trios can really help boost your success. Having 2 to 3 good players can also help with fast queues and early wins. The trick is to get a healer and a DPS class or two that can be effective when healed. An example of a great trio to play is to have one player as a warrior-like class, like a sentinel or a marauder, a healer and a player who is a caster or a ranged unit. The caster is basically the person who will control or stun opponents, while you can take down a carrier or finish an objective. The warrior player will help do and absorb the most damage, whilst you heal the player. Be warned, the warrior character can easily be taken down in group PvP focus-fire.
SWTOR PvP Tip #3 - Play for the win
It may sound a little straightforward but many players simply go online to play against random players without working out how they can win the game. In other words, you should think about the strategies that you should be implementing in the game and how it can benefit your team. For example, if you have chosen a strong character like a sentinel, then you can run about and take down 2 players. Even if you are defeated in the process, you have at least helped your team gain a team advantage of 1 extra person, which is obviously a winning advantage.

This is just 1 way to gain a winning advantage to help you win SWTOR PvP games. But if you're highly geared and level 50, then you could basically beat anyone! Learn how to level up quickly, master you favourite class and totally dominate PvP with the best SWTOR guide here.

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