Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Do You Need A SWTOR Jedi Knight Guide?

If you're looking to get as far as you can, as fast as you can, while playing The Old Republic then I highly recommend you pick up the SWTOR Jedi Knight Guide to help get you there as quickly as possible if this is the class you plan on choosing.
The Jedi Knights have some amazing abilities in this game and they are obviously going to be the most appealing class to the majority of people who play this game. So obviously you want to get a guide because there's going to be some serious competition and the best way to be able to keep up is to know everything ahead of time so that you don't make any mistakes.
The Jedi Knight abilities are as follows(Found in the SWTOR Jedi Knight Guide):
•they have strike ability which allows for a quick melee attack

•they have the slash ability which deals a good deal of moderate damage

•they have an ability called force vitality which will let the user give a friendly target extra endurance

•you'll also learn about the introspection ability, which allows a you to restore health, inside of the SWTOR Jedi Knight Guide

•there is a quick travel ability which gives you the option to teleport to a bind point

•your weapons proficiency is a light saber and your armor proficiency is heavy armor
Here's a quick look at the things they will teach you inside of the SWTOR Jedi Knight Guide. This is coming directly from the table of contents inside the guide:
•Missions 1 through 10


•for the Jedi Guardian class you'll learn Jedi Guardian leveling 11 - 50

•for the Jedi Sentinel class you'll learn Jedi Sentinel leveling 11 - 50
The two potential sub classes of Jedi Knight that you can use are either Jedi Guardian or Jedi Sentinel in case you weren't already able to figure that out.
The Jedi Sentinels are pretty cool because they actually have the ability to wield dual light sabers, and they also can use the force to pick out weaknesses in your opponent which is also very useful.
The Jedi Guardian class has a skill called vigilance which is great because it helps really improve upon your single blade offense and defense. Plus, this gives you the ability to take a lot more damage without dying and you can also easily protect your allies.

The Jedi Knight is a fun and rewarding class to play and with a little patience and some practice you will be a master in no time, you can get some more great tips in my free report here: SWTOR Strategy
Remember, Yoda said it best: Do or do not there is no try! Learn more about the other SWTOR Classes by clicking the link.
Remember to visit starwars-oldrepublicinfo.com

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